Amul Hits
Amul hits of 2018 | Back to hits home | Prev 10 Records | Next 10 Records |
Fuelprices at their peak!- (Sep’ 18)
New online dance challenge goes viral! - (Sep’ 18)
Indian currency falls to all time low against USD… - (Sep’ 18)
Ms William’s tantrums in US Open finals! - (Sep’ 18)
Tribute to Dr. Kurian on his sixth death anniversary! - (Sep’ 18)
All Amul products are 100% vegetarian. - (Sep’ 18)
India wins richest ever haul of 69 medals! - (Sep’ 18)
Indian captain stands tall among the ruins in India-England test series! - (Sep’ 18)
First Indian heptathlete to win Asian Gold! - (Aug’ 18)
Neeraj Chopra wins first ever gold in the event!- (Aug’ 18)
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