Amul Hits
Amul hits of 1993 | Back to hits home | Prev 10 Records | Next 10 Records |
A spoof on the lie - detector used to acquire confessions from those suspected to be involved in the stock market scam.
T.N. Seshan, strictly defines the Election Code, as the elections are fast approaching; to ensure free and fair elections .
STAR TV brings satellite communication and foreign cultures into Indian homes with its 5 main channels.
Michael Jackson's Black or White strikes gold, it's a chart - buster.
The nation remembers the tenets of Gandhism on Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary.
India's billiards champion, Geet Sethi wins yet again.
Bylines of Coke `Always the real thing' & `Coke is it'
Fulfilling the need for a direct railway line through the Konkan, this railway line extends from Konkan to Goa.
A catch phrase propagated by the WWF champions, as their programme gains popularity.
Bidding adieu to the great industrialist, JRD Tata on his demise.
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