Amul Hits
Amul hits of 1991 | Back to hits home | Prev 10 Records | Next 10 Records |
he pitch was damaged when Pakistan was to play a series in India.
Romance casts its spell, as the rich, spoilt brat girl falls for a poor reporter in the box-office hit comedy, DIL HAI KE MAANTA NAHI.
The Mandal Commission raked up a lot of bitterness, as it was based on the caste system. Reservation in education, & employment was deemed as `right' for some.
The satellite invasion begins in Indian homes.
The people bid adieu to the elephant God, "Pudcha varshi lavkar yaa"
Junior college teachers go on strike, for students its like - when the cat is away...
The Soviet festival regales Indian audiences.
Cauvery, where does your water flow? Chief Ministers Jayalalitha and Bangarappa from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka respectivaly battle it out.
Pay through your nose - via your mouth! Telecons exceeding 3 minutes are to be charged extra.
Butter with corn cobbs make it delicious.
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